Lisburn Golf Club, situated in a 124-acre site just off the main Belfast to Dublin road, is considered to be one of the best parkland courses in Ireland with a great variety of holes.
For many years, the Club have utilised the expertise of Clive Richardson Limited to help improve, renovate and maintain their course to the highest standards. Working closely with Head Greenkeeper Robert Nelson and his team, CRL play an important role in ensuring that the course is presented to the highest standards all year round.
CRL carry out a wide variety of maintenance tasks including verti-draining, sand-spreading, sand grading, scarifying and direct-seeding and over-seeding. We have also installed much of the drainage across the course which has involved the installation of main drains, lateral drains, gravel banding and sand-banding at various times over the years.
CRL have also undertaken the construction of tee complexes, bunkers and greens when required. These tasks have involved various skills including shaping with the digger, supplying and installing various rootzone mixes and turfing operations.